Ecovalley is a Lebanese company certified organic according to the EU regulation nb. 848/2018.
The company is registered under the commercial register Nb. 3785757. It is a familial business working in the whole value chain (from farm to shelf) of the production, processing, and marketing of organic products produced on their farms in the Sannine mountain (Wadi El Delb region).
The company exploits more than 300 hectares of land in the mountain dedicated to organic goat production (1,000 heads), beekeeping (500 hives), and wild collection of aromatic herbs. The company’s strategy is to produce in a closed cycle benefiting from fertile soil as pasture and fresh water spring and minimizing the use of inputs mainly synthetic and chemical products in the production cycle.
The company produces more than 15 certified types of products free of pesticides, chemicals and additives, proceeds at farm level with authentic traditional mountain recipes including organic dairy from goat origin, organic meat, and honey.
In addition, Ecovalley produces natural cosmetics from raw materials from their farm including Propolis, beeswax, aromatic herbs, and goat milk aiming to achieve human well-being and natural balance.
Ecovalley forms a modern concept of agriculture system rooted in Sannine mountain that adopts an organic approach to achieve sustainable production that becomes socially fair, environmentally friendly, and economically feasible.